Friday, November 27, 2015

I am the owner of the house !!!

My father told me a story.

In small village one beggar was begging from door to door. Generally villagers are very kind and they give a handful of rice to any beggar. But probably there is a common ritual everybody follows. The beggar have to come before noon (12 o’clock).
The beggar in our story was going door to door and violated the time rule and reached to a door step after 12. When he asked for some rice a married woman came out and told “Since the morning is past you cannot get anything today”. The beggar had nothing to say and went away from that house. On the way he meet the mother-in-law of the woman. She asked “What happed? You are not looking happy?”
“Actually I went your home but your daughter-in-law refused to give anything as the morning is passed” the beggar replied.
The mother-in-law was surprised and told him “Come with me to my home”. The beggar started following her. He was expecting some food or money from her.
When they reached to her house the mother-in-law told to the beggar in a harsh voice “Don’t you have any sense of timing? It is noon and you came for begging? You shall not get anything today”.
The beggar was shocked by the lady’s reaction.
He begged an explanation “I was already going when your daughter-in-law told the same thing. Then why did you call me back?”
The mother-in-law replied “This is my house. I am the owner of the house. Who is she to tell you to go? It is I who will decide it. Now get lost from my door.”

I am finding the similar situation in current happening in India. Everybody when apply for job, the first reaction is “Aabe naukri nehi milega yaar (There is no job)”, whenever the bus fall in a pothole is road the first reaction “S*** C***** sarkar bas paisa khayega or rasta nehi banayega”. Whenever the youtube video will buffer due to slow internet spontaneous reaction “Humare des me kuch nehi ho sakta”, when ever we return to home at night and we feel insecure we blame police and government. The list of our reaction goes on and on in case of getting driving license, getting birth certificate, getting direct government job without giving bribe, the unemployment, slow justice system, high price of general commodities, traffic jam etc etc.
Now when some people expressed their view about Intolerance (Whether it exists or not that is different question and the real debate should be on that issue and if exist how we can remove it?) the question we are raising is “Who are they to tell you that there are problems in India? I am the only person who can declare this.” Very cheap way to show that you are the real owner of this country.

We should change our habit as soon as possible (including me) otherwise the situation will be far worse than now. It’s a alarming call for everyone to come up and lets solve our problems together instead of showing false patriotism. Politics will always be there. But behaving properly is more urgent now. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The sift in direction of debate: From tolerance to Aamir Khan

I was very angry on Aamir Khan. Even reacted very strongly in facebook. Later when I sat quietly and thought seriously some different thought came in my mind. Why people got very angry on Aamir Khan and are we getting intolerant day by day?
Well, first of all doesn’t matter how strongly we claim, there is never an absolute neutral stand point. Still I try to analyze th
e situation and be as less as partial in this case.
Two major things, first why suddenly we become so angry on Aamir Khan? I think it was less because he was talking about intolerance. It was because how the news was presented and spread. Instead of full speech in the first video part of his speech was presented which totally changed the meaning of his speech.
Secondly, the most loose comment (many be unintentionally) he made is saying her wife want to go out of India. This is the point which hurt most to the common people including me. It is true that India is not a heaven where all facilities are available and all freedom of speech is there. Even it is not the case that there is no discrimination is there. But even a poor boy from a remote village who is suffering lots of problems from the childhood don’t find leaving the country is the first solution for them. It is a magical emotion among all country people. Even if somebody goes out of the country the mind always remain in his/her own country. It is like a bond. Now whether this is the ultimate feeling or not can be another debate and we can discuss it later. That’s why it hurt to most of the Indians when he told that his wife wanted to leave India. But if we just forget the exact example of leaving the country the rest of the discussion was fine.
Now another very crucial aspect of this discussion, the politics. Recently BJP government came to power and they came to a very high majority (even if the total vote is less, at least the seat is more) and we can easily assume that there are very high numbers of followers for BJP. What BJP successfully did in last one year (even if not during the election campaign) is mixing the nationality with Hinduism. Of course they did. It is good or bad, helpful or harmful that is different question. But no one can deny the fact that this is the first time in Indian history (keeping in mind the last BJP government) when a political party showed the highest level of religious influence in common people.
It is true that every country have their own sentiment to be integrated. So if Indian People become more patriotic in the name of Hinduism there is no harm in it. But the most harmful situation came for this is it directly raised a question of maintaining the diversity. Even though our prime minister always talk about diversity but in practice it is very difficult to maintain the diversity if we do not recognize it by name. Yes name matters so much sometime.
The worst situation is not that we become intolerance; it will certainly become less within few days. People don’t have that much of time to keep the hate for certain community (even if it exists). People saw many communal fight in past and we recovered.
The worst part of this tolerance and intolerance debate is we started to compare ourselves with Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and even Syria to show that we are so much tolerant. With respect to Dadri incident we are giving example of Sikh riot to prove that it is less than that. Where are we heading to? It is like taking pain killer and forgets the pain. Are we not putting the country in danger to just support a government? Of course nobody resist anybody to support a party or government. But we have to remember always country is more important than a particular government. Government will come and go but at the end of the day what will remain is country. No party is perfect. If a party is 95% correct it is better to make it 100% perfect in staid of hiding that 5%.
I want to end this by repeating what our PM said in England India is the country of Buddha and Gandhi and many more great persons. If we want to compare ourselves please compare with the great thought of them not with Pakistan, Afganistan and Sirya. Come on India. If something is going wrong (not because Aamir khan told) let’s fix it. Be Indian to be patriotic.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Terrorism, Puzzle and Hope

The world is going through a very unrest time in recent days. Specially last week after the attack in Paris the question marks are coming in bold letters. To tell the truth I personally feel that the world is progressing and the total peace of the world is increasing day by day despite some unwanted happenings. There is nothing to be worry about other than solving some small problems. 

If we analyse the history of human civilization the Arabian peninsula and the Middle east was always in unrest situation. I don't know why is it so, probably due to the geographic influence of harsh conditions. They never could settle down in certain place due to lack of agriculture and they used to move from place to place. In contrast the subcontinent and south east Asian people having good monsoon rain and fertile land never liked travel and the life was easy for them. In ancient times the migratory nature of middle east people forced them to be good fighter. Because they had to posses others land and cattle for survival. This active nature become deep rooted in their blood. If you read the bible or Koran you can see lots of blood taking battles. Doesn't matter who won or who defeated the war still counts. However in the same time up to medieval era battles continued in the other parts of the earth also. But there was a distinctive difference between the war in the middle east and in the other parts of the world. While in other parts of the world war for occupation of others land is more common where as in the middle east the war in the name of GOD and religion is more common. Specially intolerance to the other religions and gods become highest after starting of Islam. The world have seen several crusades in the name of GOD. Due to the monotheistic nature of Islam its very difficult for them to tolerate other religions. But still with time the social structures of any place become tolerant when different religion people started living together. At least in the modern era.
Coming to the present situation. Without any doubt after 9/11 and consecutive days (pairs attack is just a milestone in this) the whole world is experiencing a new word "Islamophobia". People are getting confused how to react on it. They saw a peaceful Muslim neighbor beside them but when ever people are getting killed in front of the gun point in majority case the gun holder is a Muslim. Strange situation. The questions will not die, after each explosion it is coming back with thousand times power. A common disbelieve is eclipsing against the Muslims.
Specially the situation of Indian people become very confusing. How to react with it. Fact is India is not at all the victim of global terrorism. The Pakistan and Kashmir issue is totally a local political issue and not at all related to al quada or ISIS. Recently one more issue shook India. Socio-religious issue of eating beef.  In Hinduism beef is not preferably eaten by common persons (though there is a controversy that in Hindu scriptures it is written that in ancient time Hindus used to eat beef).
 The other day a strange facebook conversation happened with one of my friend. He posted something about against beef eating in India. When i replied by saying it is not an important matter and can be solved by the tolerance by both the religion, he replied " matter is not cow or pork.. the main fact is that if you deserve respect from others,you have to respect them... respect your country... it is time to save our country from IS..every act of terrorism is bad.. don't compare which is worst.. Paris or Iraq or Syria... but the culprit is same ....IS." Strange reply. Where is the relation eating beef and terrorism and IS? 
The conversation continued.  I want to copy the exact conversation here. It was a nice conversation.

Me :  I think IS is not at all a threat for India. It is just media propaganda. The name itself says Islamic state of Syria and Iraq. Why they bother to think about others? In Syria the political situation is very bad now. There are not only one group which is very active. There are at least 4 groups including president Basar al Ashad who are trying to gain their ground. Now like all other time US made the situation worse for everybody. Some other countries joined with that. 

Tell me what will happen if France just do bombardment on hospitals, schools and other civilians (they did the same thing yesterday). Taking innocent life in revenge of innocent life will not solve the problem.

Friend : In war civilians are worst sufferers... I think France did the right job.. in our country Pak based militants killed our brother and sisters. We never gave them proper treatment .. it is not time to show them sympathy.. just destroy them...

Me : Ha ha.. You are mixing all points and making khichdi here. All the points are different and have different solution. 

1. The eating of beef or communal harmony.
3. India Pakistan relationship.

I think you have to first understand these three are totally different problems. You cannot paint in one brush. So when discuss discuss one by one.

Friend : IS ,al quiada,pak based terrorist goup all are islamic extrimist terror out fit.. they are inter connected.. if you want to stop these terror outfit,you have to destroy them.. it is only solution.. other wise they killed innocent civillians and want to take control your country... for your information IS already spread its wing out side iraq and siriya.. like lebanon,turkey.....

Me:  For your information IS already cut their relation with al quada. As per my best of knowledge Pakistan have no relation with IS. They themselves are the victim of terror from al qaida. So there is no common thread between them. So what will you want to destroy? You want to delete the countries out of world map? 
The thing is war and terrorism follows a very complicated pathway depending on mainly political and social and socio-economical situation. Brushing them with the same paint is not only lack of knowledge but dangerous also.

As I told before all problems should be solved individually.

The conversation ends here. And I think here is the real danger. The strategy of terrorist become successful. We become so terrified that we stop thinking and become panic. We are just becoming angry and helpless. We are running without knowing where to go. We just want to do something but we dont know what to do. Specially we are jumbling with all topics. 
And in the mean time a thick layer of distrust spreading among us. Specially on Muslim community.

War was there from the begging of human civilization, and when in recent years we experienced two world wars I dont think the situation can me more worse than that. I am always hopeful person and hope that these small problems will be solved very quickly. The major problem for us is not terrorism, it is the development, education and food which is needed urgently to the world. 
We need to change the direction from making weapon to making food, dropping bombs to dropping book, firing gun to firing knowledge. Let peace be there.  

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Tolerance and Hinduism

Generally I don't much bother about religion. I mean I don't practice any religion. Recently I saw a news and saw Dear Sourav Halder Da's question "It is actually what India and Hinduism all about... But the real question is.... Will a mosque allow the Hindus to do a puja in its premises?" draw my attention and I have an opinion about this. 

The main advantage with Hinduism is it always welcomes the new idea and doesn't matter how contrasting is the new idea it surprisingly assimilate the new idea inside it. Imagine where the main theme of Veda is - "GOD have no Image" (Na taswa pratima asti). Hinduism accepted 33 crore GODs. The main strength of hinduism is its freedom. Do what ever you want. The extreme example is Jainism and Buddhism. They are basically atheist religion (Believe it or not these two religion dont believe in GOD) and started as anti Hindu religion. Today many Jain and Buddhist dont know that they are not hindu. This is the beauty of Hinduism. Assimilate everything. Immense tolerance. Swami Vivekananda truly said in Chicago "We not only believe in universal tolerance but we accept all religions as true." We believe in so many gods that adding just extra GOD don't literally add anything new doesn't matter even the name of the GOD is "Allah". Did you notice in Hinduism we have thousands of classes and sects and everyone respect everyone. The worshiper of Shiva easily goes to the temple of Ram. And the worshiper of Kali heartily welcome the worshiper of Ganesh.

On the other hand the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) act really in a strange manner. They all claim and share the same history and theory of origin but always fight with each other. The rigidity is the signature of these religions. Not only they fight with each other, they even fight with the different classes inside the religion. A Shia always fight with Sunni, A catholic never see the face of protestant !!!
All religions are philosophy came from some particular human mind's thought and personal feeling. Like all philosophy they are to some extend true and to some extend false.Nothing is absolute true. So fighting among each other is the most foolish act I feel. I don't like and strongly disagree of many aspect of Hinduism but the world really needs the tolerance of Hinduism to get world peace.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Death of Child or Death of Humanity?

Last few days my eyes are getting stuck on some news about problems in the Middle East and Europe specially ISIS and refugee in Europe. Fortunately or unfortunately I am from such a country where problem is a part  and parcel of our life. Now we are so habituated with it that nobody cares about it. But here also the type of problem is different. Its about not having good roads, not having good computer facility everywhere. Not having good services in government offices. Of course some agitation is there near Pakistan border in Kashmir. But it really don’t effect much to our day to day life or it don’t come to headline much. The overall political situation is more or less stable here.
Coming to the point, a picture of a small boy dead on the sea shore of Turkey shocked not only me but the whole world. There is no word to express my feeling. Life and death is natural phenomenon but when death happens due to human it always hurts me. At least this is the cause of death we can avoid.
The rise of ISIS created a great problem in Syria and Iraq. Frankly speaking I don’t know much history about that region and I don’t know who is right and who is wrong. But at least I can say that what is happening is not good. There are many problems in our life, there are many struggle in our life due to nature and food, resident. But war is such a horrible and unnecessary problem caused by proud man. It feels shame to see everyday people are trying to cross see by small boat to enter Europe taking them in life and dead situation. Some are reaching and some are sinking under the sea. Feeling like whole humanity is sinking.

Human is so proud of their power but even they cannot save the life of a small kid. Even they cannot give shelter to 0.1 million people where the total population of world some hundred billion. I was literally surprised seeing the number of refugee in Europe. They cannot give shelter only 0.1 million people? My home town Kolkata have population over 25 million. 0.1 million people will just dissolve in Kolkata. Why so selfish?
Today news showed some of the European countries are agreed to give shelter to the homeless people in their country. I welcome this decision. It gives hope to  me that humanity still exist.
One more thing surprised me. When it’s a question of demanding something from any nonmuslim country or nonmuslim community Muslims countries shows so much brotherhood among them. But this time no Muslim country took any responsibility to give shelter to the refugees from Syria.

I am very optimistic person. And hope soon good thing will happen in this beautiful world and people will realize the value of human life. People will not become homeless, foodless. They don’t have to leave their home forever and take a small boat to cross the dark sea at night. Hope peace will occupy our planet again.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Just watched the movie Daawat-e-Ishq. Well, now a days I cannot watch all Bollywood movies due to lack of access. But recent some movies indicate that Bollywood movies are changing and these are addressing serious problems/issues of our Indian society. And in a very professional way. 
I would give 10/10 to this movie. I know its been long time since it is released. But as I saw first time its new to me.
Dowry system is a very negative side of our society. This is one of the reasons why girls are not treated good in India and parents think them as burden. Even some families are open minded to respect the other values of women like women education, women freedom, when it comes to the marriage they become helpless. This is one of the reason (Of course not one and only) why so much Female foeticide happens in India. Any parents will love to grow their daughter exactly like their sons. They spend the same amount of money to raise daughter for education and for everything. For a middle class family if no money is left to raise a boy how can somebody expect that huge amount of money will be saved to raise a girl properly?
Well, there are many laws in India to prevent Dowry. But law is not the proper solution until everybody will come forward socially. In this point girl's family have option to give or not give dowry in any form, be it as help or as natural gift (!!!). But remember until it is removed socially girl's family is helpless. After all after marriage both the boy's family and the girl's family is going to be relative. And no one want to create unnecessary quarreling with the would be relative.
So the best way can be from the boy's side. If the boy strictly rejects dowry in all form (Remember its a very vital point, taking Dowry in other form) that will be the best solution. After all this is a social problem. Suggestion for the boy :don't worry, if you are educated and doing some earning you will make a home and a car anyway in lifetime without dowry and you dont have to worry about your future kid selection, either you want a boy or girl child. That question will be invalid. You also dont have to give dowry for your daughter.
I liked this movie because it addressed all the aspects of a deep rooted problem in a very easy way. No much theory, no much panic. The story continue very smoothly. No unnecessary drama. And of course the happy ending.
I want more and more good movie like this in future.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Science and Technology

Our problem is that in everyday life we are well habituated with advanced in technology when we lack of science in every day life.
Most importantly we often forget the definition of science and technology.
Science is the understanding of the underlying principle behind any incident based upon proper observation, collection of data, experiment and coming to a logical conclusion.
Technology is the sum total of different techniques by which man changes his environment for better comfort and convenience.
To be scientific minded you need to know the cause and effect reasoning. It need effort, dedication, passion and knowledge.
On the other hand a fool also can use technology. Having a 4G Smart phone and taking picture, or using a computer to play games do not prove somebody as scientific minded. To get a scientific mind at least you have to wonder how the computer works, how the telephone signal spread out.
There is no conflict between science and technology. But just possessing some advanced device doesn't automatically classify somebody as scientific minded.
Our problem is we are growing as bunch of fools with huge cheap (just money value) technologies with no idea or huge lack of proper scientific mind.
I am very much upset with the death of these great persons who had to give life just to spread scientific mind within the society.