Sunday, March 15, 2015


Just watched the movie Daawat-e-Ishq. Well, now a days I cannot watch all Bollywood movies due to lack of access. But recent some movies indicate that Bollywood movies are changing and these are addressing serious problems/issues of our Indian society. And in a very professional way. 
I would give 10/10 to this movie. I know its been long time since it is released. But as I saw first time its new to me.
Dowry system is a very negative side of our society. This is one of the reasons why girls are not treated good in India and parents think them as burden. Even some families are open minded to respect the other values of women like women education, women freedom, when it comes to the marriage they become helpless. This is one of the reason (Of course not one and only) why so much Female foeticide happens in India. Any parents will love to grow their daughter exactly like their sons. They spend the same amount of money to raise daughter for education and for everything. For a middle class family if no money is left to raise a boy how can somebody expect that huge amount of money will be saved to raise a girl properly?
Well, there are many laws in India to prevent Dowry. But law is not the proper solution until everybody will come forward socially. In this point girl's family have option to give or not give dowry in any form, be it as help or as natural gift (!!!). But remember until it is removed socially girl's family is helpless. After all after marriage both the boy's family and the girl's family is going to be relative. And no one want to create unnecessary quarreling with the would be relative.
So the best way can be from the boy's side. If the boy strictly rejects dowry in all form (Remember its a very vital point, taking Dowry in other form) that will be the best solution. After all this is a social problem. Suggestion for the boy :don't worry, if you are educated and doing some earning you will make a home and a car anyway in lifetime without dowry and you dont have to worry about your future kid selection, either you want a boy or girl child. That question will be invalid. You also dont have to give dowry for your daughter.
I liked this movie because it addressed all the aspects of a deep rooted problem in a very easy way. No much theory, no much panic. The story continue very smoothly. No unnecessary drama. And of course the happy ending.
I want more and more good movie like this in future.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Science and Technology

Our problem is that in everyday life we are well habituated with advanced in technology when we lack of science in every day life.
Most importantly we often forget the definition of science and technology.
Science is the understanding of the underlying principle behind any incident based upon proper observation, collection of data, experiment and coming to a logical conclusion.
Technology is the sum total of different techniques by which man changes his environment for better comfort and convenience.
To be scientific minded you need to know the cause and effect reasoning. It need effort, dedication, passion and knowledge.
On the other hand a fool also can use technology. Having a 4G Smart phone and taking picture, or using a computer to play games do not prove somebody as scientific minded. To get a scientific mind at least you have to wonder how the computer works, how the telephone signal spread out.
There is no conflict between science and technology. But just possessing some advanced device doesn't automatically classify somebody as scientific minded.
Our problem is we are growing as bunch of fools with huge cheap (just money value) technologies with no idea or huge lack of proper scientific mind.
I am very much upset with the death of these great persons who had to give life just to spread scientific mind within the society.