Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I am what I am

Time comes in life when you suddenly found that the way you live is being questioned.

 For example you have a certain pace/speed of moving in your life. Now the point is it doesn't match with anybody in the universe. And before you completely understand the situation you will be tagged as either "Slow" or "Fast".

Funny thing is, it is true that you are either faster than someone and or slower than someone. So the tag is not false. But the question is what will you do with that tag? You will be impressed or depressed? Difficult question. Interesting thing is that for the same pace you get two opposite tag. And more funny thing is if you change yourself thinking that it will solve the problem, tuning yourself in a different pace you notice that, that particular pace is also not matching with others. Still you are either faster or slower than others. 

He he.. you gave a great effort, changed yourself and still the result is same. And now you got a new tag "One who always change pace" Its a puzzle. There is no way out of it. Your pace is your pace. What you can do is what you can do. How you look to others are depend on the color of spectacle they are using. 

Is it not true that the universe look beautiful because we are different form each other? Is it not true that even we try we cannot be each other? 

Everybody born and grow up in different situation. The value of life we set in our life as a reference come from your experience which is different from each other. 

Is it not beautiful that everybody think differently? Is it not amazing that all the elements of this universe like sun, moon, planets, stars, galaxy being so unique form this universe. 

I am just a traveler in this endless time scale existing for a very short time. I have no time to decide what is good what is bad. I can just see things. I can enjoy. I can be happy.   
Sorry I have no time to be sad.

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